♡ Favourites // October'15

hello cuties ♡♡ hope you all are doing amazing! I know I know .. I am SOOOO late on this post *hehe* totally forgot about putting this upp.. wooops. But haaaay, better late than never right ;) hahah! Let’s jump right into our October Favourites! October flew by so quick and the holiday season has started *yippie* I didn’t have a lot of favourites last month since I have a few favs from Septembers favs post so I didn’t want to add them again but yeah these are a few new favs I have for October.. hope you enjoy cutie piessss.. till next time.. XO. MAC LIPLINERS: These 2 lip-liners I can wear everyday for a natural lip colour and I can wear these alone or under lipsticks. I prefer to wear them alone most of the time and I LOVE how these are long lasting and they’re perfect for everyday lip wear J The first one is called “Soar”, im so sure everyone has to have heard about this one (LOL) but yeah this is such an amazing pink colour for everyday wear too it is j...