♡ DD // Calvin Holidays
hello cutie pies! hope everyone is doing amazing! I know .. I have been slow on posts for the past while .. but it's all cause of work! I am back now and hopefully will be consistent again hehe.
I went shopping the other day after work for some holiday dresses. Did I tell you guys how much I am in LOOOOOOOOOOVE with the CALVIN KLEIN dresses???? No? Well now you know hehe ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ OMG. Literally I wanted to buy ALLLLL their dresses! AHHHH. Their dresses were SO pretty, chic and elegant I FELLL in LOVE. Literally. I had an hour to get 7 dresses and it was soo hard to choose since there were pretty dresses everywhere. Anywho.. I managed to get 7 and get out of there at the speed of light! (jk i wish I was that fast lol!)
I will be doing 7 different #OOTN's with these dresses! The first one will be up tonight and the rest will follow. I have already worn 2 out of the 7 dresses so far and can't wait to wear all of them! Not to mention.. one of the dress is from Ralph Lauren and it's SO GORGEOUS! I have not worn a colour or design like that dress before so it'll be fun to wear. I have been lesss on jewellery with these outfits since I wanted the dresses to stand out the most with these. Also, I might be adding a few makeup and hairstyling options with these outfits. Hope you will enjoy these so stay tuned for those!
Other than thaaat... the weather has been FURRRREEEEZZZZZINGGG. Literally. It has been soo cold for the past few days that it sucks so bad. I love/hate the cold. I just like the dressing up comfy and warm part of the fall/winter time but do not like the cold that comes with it. I also love the snow but just admiring it not the actual shovelling the snow part LOL!! Honestly.. the snow people that clean the roads do it 3 times a day.. so when you wake up you shovel then you're like yippie i'm done .... middle of the day comes by and again a fort in front of your house due to the road cleaning so you clean it again.. at night you're half way done shovelling the snow and the snow cleaning people come by with a brand new fresh fort for you to get rid of -_______- SERIOUSLY?!?!?! It's fun shovelling in the beginning when the snow arrives since it's so fluffy but as the day goes by it gets less fluffy & fluffy. OH YA Building snowmans is also pretty fun to do hehe and we use to build so many snow forts but we don't have that much snow anymore to be building big snow forts sadly. It use to snow like crazy when we were little .. the snow now isn't even close to what it use to be. The snow we have now is still a blessing cause its no where as much snow as there use to be. Anyways, snow is still enjoyable and a good exercise ahah!!
I will be soon planning a baby shower for a dear friend so I am waiting on that since it'll be so so much fun InshaAllah! That'll be in the new year though i'A ... talking about the new year.... November is almost over .. WHAAAAAT. I swear times flying by like crazy like it needs to slow down a bit too.. no? Hope you alll enjoy the holiday time with your loved ones since this is such an amazing time of the yeaaar ♡ Other than thaaat.. I will be doing a drugstore haul soon so that'll be funnn! That's pretty much all that I have to talk about today .. now I'll get back to finishing the coconut cookies. Till next time, XO.

Thank You For Reading! Take Care ♡
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