♡ OOTD // Hiking Edition
Hello babes!
Hope you all are doing amazing! I have truly missed blogging, I have been engulfed with other things in life right now which have kept me real busy. I just got back from a week at the cottage up north and I did have some fashion posts for you!
The first one is the "hiking edition", which is a cute floral outfit that is also so comfy. For the top, we have a navy blue tee which has a gold studded statement on it that says "First of all, No. Second of all, No". I had seen this while passing by at the mall and I just HAD to get it! I found it really hilarious and it is so me. For the bottoms, I went with these coral floral pants from Zara which I had purchased many months ago and I finally found a way to style them. The problem I had with the pants was that I got a Size Small in them but they were still too big at the waist so I told my sister to take them but she didn't like them lol. So when I was packing for the cottage, I used a safety pin on the side to pin up the waist and voilaaa, it worked wonderfully! For the shoes, I went with these Micheal Kors jelly flops which I know, are not even made for hiking lol let alone walking for a long time but hey I was fine with them. I did hike in these shoes for about 40 minutes at least to get there and 40 minutes or more back and I was totallllly fine in them. The only safety concern I had was when climbing the rocks with these shoes, I was iiffffy that I would slip but thankfully I didn't. That's about it. Other than that concern, I was totally fine hiking in these shoes. For accessories, I didn't do much other than some ruby red studs and a Daniel Wellington Watch since we were going to go in the water later so I didn't wana be taking off too many accessories. Oh wait, yes, how did I forget my cat eye sunglasses hahah, they were super duper cuteeeee and completed the outfit.
The whole statement of this outfit is so chic so comfy. It is a very pretty outfit and not something many would wear to a hike but hey, I don't want to be wearing the typical boring clothes everyone else wears lol #SorryNotSorry. I like to dress cute, even if it's for a hike. I hope you enjoy this outfit as much as everyone around me loved it.
See ya later babes with another fashion post! Take Care, XOXO.