♡ Dear Diary / May 24th, 2017.
dear diary. may 24th, 2017.
heyy loves, hope you guys are well.
I am just sitting here, thinking about life. It is super loud outside because of construction & the city people changing the underground electrical stuff. No one is home, and with these constant noises outside, I am just sitting here, thinking about life.
To be more specific, just sitting here thinking about why people can't be genuine, why people can't be honest.
Speaking for myself, I am a very straight up person, I will show/tell you how I feel, right to your face lol but I use good words where I get my point across nicely. So many people just run from their duties, from normal things, why?
Stuff is so simple yet they make it so complicated. Its simple things that get you closer, and simple things that can make you farther apart.
Why act like you need to be attended to all the time? Why crave for attention all the time? Why crave for sympathy all the time? Or in my words to summarize, Why act extra alllllllll the time? Lol. I can't understand people.
Theres' people I know who just lie for little things for no reason .. even the most irrelevant things of life, they just lie. Why do people lie? I get it if its a legit reason, which would be a different definition for everyone but for irrelevant things like the "time", the "date", when you ask a simple question you already know the answer to and the person is yet guna say "I don't know, oh we haven't even planned yet.. oh we haven't even done anything". When you already know everything lol. Why are you lying? Why do people lie? Why are you going to increase your bad deeds by lying allll the time about little things?
And hay before anyone thinks "why don't you stop associating with this person".. uh hay I would honestly love to. But when you're connected to a person who isn't even family in more than 1 way then its pretty hard to avoid that person. Especially when you will see that person at events so many times in a month lol. And trust me, I have tried to. So you know what I do, I just ignore lol. I don't bother even talking to them unless they message cuz hey I would rather not talk to a person than be fake and talk to a person.
I like things very straight up and can't handle it when people lie or just bullshit all the time.
I like communicating with people who are genuine, fun and overall amazing personalities.
I love talking to people and its just so much more fun when you bond with another person on another level and know that they are so genuine.
Why can't people just be normal, be themselves and be genuine? Lol. It just amazes me. Sometimes you know people for sooo long and yet at one point you question yourself,
and wonder "what did I ever do to you that you had to turn out this way?"
And you whats more annoying is when you cant even ask that question.
When you can't even speak the truth to another individual because they're going to get offended, not be able to digest the truth and "tell their parents so they can talk to your parents".
Like what are we 12 again? Act your age pls, we are adults, we are done university, we are mid twenties, yet you can't face any truths and want to tell your parents if someone tells you the truth or gets you caught in a lie. LOL.
It just makes me laugh so hard honestly. Like how am I suppose to communicate or even hang out with a person like this? Even though I do, and yes I actually have no choice. I would have told them everything and been like "why you lie so much about little ass things that are so irrelevant.. why you can't take in the truth.. why you wana tell everything to ur parents lmao what are we 12... Sorry but I wana do this one day tbh, maybe when we are much older and maybe when you get a little mature lol.
Age doesn't define maturity, and you are an example of that.
And no this person doesn't even know about my blog, let alone read it. Even if this person later on reads this in a million years, they still wouldn't think this is about them lmaooo yeah they wouldn't even get the hint even then, after reading this so wahtever. I just felt like talking about this right now so I did. It just sucks even more when you can't be straight up to a person because they're so childish lol, like whyyyyyy ahhh. I just cyaaaant sometimes. Some people are so immature, its hilarious. (Not really, more like super annoying)
Like you can't even have any logical conversations with them either, ah.
Anyhow, I can go on and on about this all dayyyyy.
Too much to say, not enough words.
**pps. late post, had it in drafts since May 24th, lol. just realized it hadn't been posted.**