♡ OOTD // Glam x FCUK.

hello loves. 

Welcome to another fashion post which I haven't done in a whileeee.. but I have a few more fashion posts coming up this week so stay tuned for those. Let's get into this post now shalll we!?! This is a bodycon cheetah print sequin dress by FCUK - (French Connection UK) in size 0. The sequins don't bother you at all either when you wear it. I LOVE the pattern and design of this dress. I personally love round and small necklines so this dress was tooo goood haha. I had actually bought this dress for New Years Eve back in the beginning of Decemeber. I was passing through the store and I had seen this on the rack and immediately fell in love with it.. seriously. The main reason as to why I got this dress was because of how shiny, sparkly and how cuuuuute this dress was and thought it would be perfect to wear on New Years Eve! Anyways, so this was the last piece/size they had so I bought it. Another thing I love about this dress is the back!! The back of the dress has a long zipper which goes till the hips. I love dresses that have zippers on them and I feel like the back of the dress just completed the whole dress altogether. Although I did not end up wearing this for New Years due to a change of plans.. I will wear this to another occasion one day and post another #ootd with it haha.

Another thing.. I didn't realize but this is one those dresses where the length is kind of shorter at the back...you don't realize that until you put it on and you feel the back of the dress being higher than the front (like the feel to constantly pull your dress down from the back type of dress lol) so with this I would wear some sheer or opaque black tights. For the makeup I'd go with a black smokey eye with nude lips which is a classic. For the shoes, I'd go with any glitter gold stilettos and the higher the heel the cuter the overall outfit will look! And for the jewelry I'd go with maybe some midi rings & a bracelet but that's pretty much it since the dress is so shiny and pretty, I'd want the whole attention to be more on the dress. Below are the details of the dress and yes I know there are A LOT of pictures but hey this is dress is so pretty.. couldn't help it haha!

Dress: French Connection UK (FCUK)

and that's pretty much it for todays #ootd.. till next time, XO.

Thanks for Reading! Take Care 

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